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They grow up so fast! Prepare your seedlings for life outdoors.
Whew! Your hard work and dedication has turned teeny-tiny seeds into thriving mini plants. While that's certainly a reason to celebrate, a plant parent's work is never really done. Your next mission is to set your seedlings up for success on the second part of their journey: life outside. Transplanting seedlings isn't as simple as just putting your little guys into the ground, but it isn't complicated, either, with the right know-how. Here's how to transplant your seedlings.
Psst: haven't planted your seeds yet? Start here!
Once you experience the excitement of those first tiny stems sprouting up from the soil, it can be easy to get ahead of yourself and want to rush them outdoors. But it's better to take cues from your plant kiddos and let your seedlings tell you when they're ready to transplant. Here are a few tips that can help you better understand seedling speak.
If your seedlings look spindly and scrawny, it's best to address it before moving them outside, where they may struggle to withstand the elements. Leggy seedlings can be caused by a number of factors, including not enough light or water, or too much water or heat. Try to pinpoint the cause(s) now, while they're still indoors, by experimenting with more or less of these factors, and see if that helps.
If you sowed your seeds a little early (it's easy to get excited!), or unexpected weather is keeping them inside longer than planned, consider giving your seedlings more space to spread
out before transplanting them to their final destination. You'll know they're ready if their cotyledons are turning yellow, they've already grown one or two sets of true leaves, or their roots are growing through the drainage hole in their seed tray.
It's easy to upgrade their abode: Clean paper coffee cups, tin cans—anything you can add a drainage hole to—are fair game. You can also use this method if you plan to keep your plants indoors or in containers.
If your plant is taking up permanent residence in a pot, choose a container that's slightly larger than the seed starting container. Once your plant has outgrown the second pot, move it to a container that will accommodate your plant's expected mature size (you can find information on the seed packet). If you plan to move your container outdoors, remember to harden off your plants before leaving them outside permanently.
Once you've gotten your seedlings in tip-top shape and the weather looks favorable, it's time to start the process of hardening off. This involves gradually exposing plants to outdoor conditions to reduce the risk of transplant shock. They'll start creating firmer plant tissue, which they'll need in order to grow in a world of rain, wind, and hot sun. Trust us, your plant babies are going to be OK!
So, how do you harden off seedlings? Follow these steps, and before you know it, they'll be ready to graduate to the garden plot.
Prep your soil for its soon-to-be residents. Chances are, the earthy goodness you're going to settle your seedlings into will need some help. For in-ground garden beds, make sure the soil isn't compacted—use a rake or tiller to loosen it up if it is—and then mix 3 inches of Miracle-Gro Organic™ Raised Bed & Garden Soil into the top 6 inches of native soil to improve the composition and nutrition.
Planting in a raised bed also requires making sure the soil is ready for a great growing season. Start fresh or top off the existing soil with Miracle-Gro Organic™ Raised Bed & Garden Soil, which is lightweight enough for raised beds.
Finally, after weeks of growing, nurturing and preparing, the big day is finally here. It's time to transplant your seedlings! Try to transplant when it's cloudy so plants don't face a full day of direct sun right away.
Once your seedlings are nestled gently into the soil, you'll need to water them immediately. Add Miracle-Gro® Quick Start® Planting & Transplant Starting Solution to your watering can for the first watering (follow label directions). Water again once the top1-2 inches of soil is dry. Add a second dose of transplant starting solution to your watering can after 1 week.
First things first: Sit back, relax, and admire your accomplishment. Thanks to you, those tiny seeds you bought last winter are now full-fledged plants! And you gave them just the right amount of TLC they needed to make it safely outside. Now, your plant parent role transitions more into maintenance mode.
Your little seedlings have come a long way—and so have you. Later this summer, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor (pun totally intended) and even try your hand at succession planting for more homegrown goodness. For now, congratulate yourself on a successful seedling transplant!