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We conducted a study to see how Miracle-Gro Organic stacked up to the competition. See the results and the difference Miracle-Gro can make in your garden.
Looking to plant peppers in your garden this season? Read this article to learn all about pepper planting!
Creating a pollinator garden is a great way to support bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Learn about the importance of pollinators and discover the best plants to attract them to your garden.
We’re excited to introduce our Organic Raised Bed and Garden Soil! Discover why our new organic soil is a great option for your plants.
Learn the basics of plant feeding with this comprehensive guide. Understand the significance of NPK, choose between liquid or granular fertilizers, and discover why fertilizing is essential for your plants' health and growth.
Learn the ABC's of shrub pruning, including how to prune, maintenance pruning tips, and caring for neglected shrubs with our comprehensive guide.
Discover the advantages of high-impact annuals, known for their fast growth and stunning blooms, and learn how to create a successful garden with these plants.
If you want to conserve water in your garden, this post shares easy and efficient tips for minimizing water usage. Implement these small hacks for big water savings now!
We’re excited to introduce our Organic Raised Bed and Garden Soil! Discover why our new organic soil is a great option for your plants.
Dreaming of a luscious garden but lacking yard space? Raised beds allow small space gardeners to reap big rewards. Learn how.
Discover how to create a "cool bunch" of plants that shine bright outdoors with hostas, begonias, and heucheras. Learn how to cultivate these beautiful plants in your outdoor space.
Explore the benefits of growing peas and cabbage together in your garden. Discover how these little green giants can thrive as excellent companions in the cool season.