Beginner Learning

Thinking about starting a garden of your own but unsure where to begin? Grow your gardening knowledge roots with easy-to-follow guides for novice cultivators.
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Bring fresh cut beauties like sunflowers, hydrangeas, and bold zinnias into your home and garden with these tips and tricks for growing and arranging these flowers.
Explore the benefits of gardening with kids and learn about vegetable garden planning, planting, weeding, and journaling activities to foster their interest in nature and healthy eating habits.
Learn about the different types of weeds and effective methods for preventing and controlling them in your garden with our comprehensive guide on wild weed control.
Growing easy, dependable roses involves choosing the right varieties, proper planting techniques, and regular pruning. Learn how to cultivate beautiful roses in your garden with these helpful tips.
Creating a pollinator garden is a great way to support bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Learn about the importance of pollinators and discover the best plants to attract them to your garden.
We’re excited to introduce our Organic Raised Bed and Garden Soil! Discover why our new organic soil is a great option for your plants.
Discover the advantages of high-impact annuals, known for their fast growth and stunning blooms, and learn how to create a successful garden with these plants.
We’re excited to introduce our Organic Raised Bed and Garden Soil! Discover why our new organic soil is a great option for your plants.
Discover how to create a "cool bunch" of plants that shine bright outdoors with hostas, begonias, and heucheras. Learn how to cultivate these beautiful plants in your outdoor space.
Discover how the similar growing conditions of tomatoes and marigolds make them the perfect garden companions. Find useful growing tips for both plants to ensure a burst of sunshine in your garden
Container gardening is a versatile and space-saving way to grow plants, even if you have limited space. Learn how to create beautiful potted plantings with our Container Gardening 101 guide.
Learn the basics of soil and how to determine if your soil is healthy and suitable for gardening. Understanding your soil is key to successful plant growth.