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One of the easiest houseplants you’ll ever grow
If you've failed at being a houseplant parent in the past (it's okay, we'll never tell), pothos might be just the plant for you. This vining houseplant can adapt to a wide range of growing conditions and is incredibly easy to grow. With very little effort on your part, pothos vines can grow up to 10 feet long indoors, which is why they're sometimes called devil's ivy. This plant has a reputation for living for a very long time as long as you take care of it.
Pothos come in a variety of colors, including verdant hues of green, chartreuse, golden yellow, cream and white. You'll likely find popular varieties such as golden pothos, neon pothos, and marble queen pothos at your local garden center, making it as easy to come by as it is to care for. Turns out some plants aren't too good to be true.
While it can adapt to almost any light condition, including artificial light, pothos prefers bright, indirect light. It will do best near, but not directly in front of, a sunny window—too much sun will scorch the leaves. A pothos placed in a low light setting may look a little less green or have less variegation, but it will continue to grow its signature vines. Place your pothos on a bookshelf or in a hanging basket where its vines can be on full display. Just keep in mind pothos' only major flaw: their leaves are poisonous to both pets and people, so keep the vines out of reach.
While pothos aren't too picky, they're happiest in a well-drained, nutrient-rich potting soil, such as Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix. Well-drained soils reduce the chance of "wet feet", or a soil that stays saturated too long causing damage to the plant's roots if not quickly corrected.
Pothos usually need to be repotted every 1-2 years. You'll know your pothos has outgrown its current situation when roots are coming out the drainage holes and it seems to always be wilted.
Do you veer on the forgetful side? Or have you ever gone on vacation only to come home to sad, droopy houseplants? You've found your match. Pothos won't mind if you skip a week of watering. In fact, it's better if you let the top 2 inches of soil dry down between waterings. When you do give it a drink, water thoroughly. While pothos won't tolerate saturated soil (make sure your pot has drainage holes!), it certainly loves its H2O when it gets it.
Even low-maintenance pothos appreciate a nutrient boost, so feed your plant with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food following the label directions. Fertilizing your pothos helps keep its vines nice and strong as they grow. Think of it as a deep-conditioning treatment for long, flowing locks of foliage.
Pruning pothos is important for maintaining the overall aesthetic of your plant. Vines can get scraggly as they grow, especially if they're growing in low light, so don't hesitate to cut any that aren't looking their best. Using clean scissors or your fingers, snip it off at a node, or the point where leaves meet the stem. From there, a fresh new vine will start. Remove any dead or weak-looking leaves, as well as vines with no leaves. If you've decided your pothos plant looks better with long, flowing vines (ooh la la!), swap pruning for time spent carefully untangling any vines that are becoming knotted instead.
After you've pruned your pothos, use those cuttings to grow even more of this leafy delight. Propagating a pothos plant is—you guessed it—easy! Make sure you have a stem with at least 4 nodes on it. Remove the lower leaves, and place it in a glass jar filled with water. You can also put your stem cuttings in a small container filled with potting mix. Leave it in a well-lit area, and new roots will develop in just a few weeks. Give your plant baby another month or so before transplanting it to a container with potting soil.
Despite being relatively fuss-free, you may need to tackle yellow leaves on your pothos from time to time. The most likely culprit? Too much light. Until they invent SPF for plants, try relocating your pothos to a shadier spot to see if it improves. You may also be overfertilizing (the leaves will look scorched with spots) or overwatering (the leaves will look kind of pillowy). Fungus or bacteria are also possibilities, but begin your troubleshooting by re-examining your care strategies. Pothos is a wonderful entry-level indoor plant and ideal for forgetful gardeners. This carefree houseplant will thrive in almost any room that needs a touch of green. Just give it a little love
every once in a while, and your pothos will be perfectly happy. If only everything were that easy!