

Simple steps to determine when it’s safe to plant outside.

While it’s still too cold to begin most planting, there’s plenty you can do to prepare your garden. Take the time to learn what can be planted, in both your region and your space. Here are a few tips.

Determine final frost date

Frost can damage and even kill plants, so it’s crucial to wait until the cold nights of winter and early spring have passed before planting anything new. 

Frost dates may vary year-to-year. Consult the Farmer’s Almanac and the National Gardening Association for your area’s historical temperature averages and when to expect this year’s final frost. 

Know your zone

Knowing your planting zone will help guide your plant choices—what to plant and when. Refer to the newest USDA planting zone map to learn which hardiness zone you live in.

Try early spring plants

Some plants should be planted in early spring. Hardy vegetable varieties, including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale are good for this. They can tolerate an unexpected frost or be planted when the ground is still hard. 
