8 Beautiful Blooming Houseplants
Nothing brings colour, cheer, and beauty to an indoor space quite like a blooming houseplant. If you've never tried to grow one (or have endured a series of failures), fear not. We've created this list of easy-yet-beautiful flowering houseplants to help you find success. Once you've selected the perfect flowering plant, give it a strong start with Miracle Gro® Indoor Potting Mix 8.8L, which gives your plants a boost of nutrition, will keep the soil evenly moist when you water, and (bonus!) is less prone to pesky gnats. A month after planting, begin adding nutrition for continued best bloom action with Miracle Gro® Indoor Plant Food—just apply it directly to the soil once a week, no mixing required.
Here are 8 flowering houseplants to fall in love with:
1. Peace Lily
A classic, easy-blooming houseplant, the peace lily (Spathiphyllum) produces white, leaf-like flowers at various times throughout the year, but also features glossy, attractive foliage that makes the plant display-worthy even when not in bloom. Peace lilies vary widely in size depending on variety, so be sure to check the plant tag to select one that will work for your space. When it comes to watering, peace lilies don't like wet feet, so be sure to use a well-draining soil such as Miracle Gro® Indoor Potting Mix 8.8L and allow it to dry down between waterings. This low-maintenance flowering houseplant needs bright, indirect light—and be sure to not over-fertilize (check the label for directions). Learn more about how to plant, feed, and repot eye-catching peace lilies.
2. Begonia
Begonias are a time-honored type of flowering houseplant, largely thanks to their low-maintenance, high-performance personality. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, but you can generally expect a waxy texture and rounded petals. They can adapt to most lighting situations and prefer consistently moist but not overly wet soil. And just because they've been around a long time doesn't mean you have to grow your grandmother's begonias—newer varieties feature electric foliage and brightly colored blooms.
3. Amaryllis
If you've had houseplants that were supposed to bloom but didn't—your secret's safe with us!—give amaryllis (Amaryllis spp.) a try. This easy-to-grow bulb will fill your home with bold flowers for the holidays and beyond. Its trumpet-like flowers can reach several inches in diameter and come in a full spectrum of red, white, and pink hues. Purchase bulbs in the fall and place in a cool room with indirect light. Many people treat amaryllis as annuals, but they can actually be kept for multiple growing seasons. Learn how to extend the life of your amaryllis.
4. African Violet
No list of blooming houseplants would be complete without the beloved African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha). This plant provides a steady stream of blooms for months at a time. Depending on variety, its delicate, small flowers may be the classic purple or shades of pink, red, or white. Unlike many houseplants, it thrives in low-light conditions and, in fact, could burn if placed too close to a bright window. With a mature size of 12 inches or less, it's ideal for narrow countertops or low-light windowsills. African violets may seem finicky at first when it comes to watering, but here's the secret that will help make that a non-issue: While they love humidity and moisture, but they don't like having water directly applied to the fuzzy leaves. Instead, place your African violet in a pot with holes on the bottom in a dish, then fill the dish with water so the plant can drink from the bottom as needed. Discover even more tips for growing African violets.
5. Florist's Kalanchoe
Succulent leaves and dainty, brightly colored flowers on one plant—what's not to love? Like other succulents, low-maintenance kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) prefers to dry out between waterings, so give it as much sun as possible. Do that and you'll be rewarded with cheery clusters of flowers and thick, rubbery leaves for months at a time.
6. Oxalis
You know those cute little shamrock plants you see at the grocery store around St. Patrick's Day? Chances are they're actually oxalis (Oxalis spp.), a genus with hundreds of species that comes in a ton of colors, shapes, and sizes. With time, the plant will produce tiny, tubular flowers. Most plants stay under a foot tall and wide, but be sure to check the plant's tag for specific information. Oxalis grows just fine in a variety of light conditions but dislikes being overwatered. One word of caution: It's considered by many to be a weed when found growing outdoors, so keep it inside!
7. Moth Orchid
If you love the elegant look of orchids but are put off by their persnicketiness, opt for agreeable moth orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.). Widely available and relatively inexpensive, moth orchids feature flowers that resemble butterfly wings and come in a wide variety of colors. For best results, orchids should be planted in a potting mix, such as Miracle-Gro® Orchid Potting Mix 0.10-0.02-0.05, that provides quick drainage and lots of air flow to the roots. Water every 1-2 weeks by placing the pot under running water in the sink, then allow it to dry completely between waterings. A month after planting, begin spraying around leaves, roots, and soil weekly with Miracle-Gro® Ready-To-Use Orchid Plant Food Mist. After the plant flowers, cut back stems and continue to care for it as normal until the next bloom cycle. For more info on growing orchids, check out our "How to Grow Orchids" article.
8. Christmas Cactus
If you're in the flowering houseplant game for the long haul, few plants are as long lived or high reward as Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera spp.). As the name suggests, they bloom around Christmastime, creating a welcome sight in colder climates. Multi-layered, intricate flowers come in a wide range of colors (depending on the species). Generally low maintenance, they thrive best in Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm & Succulent Potting Mix 0.07-0.03-0.05 8.8 L, prefer indirect light, and only need watering when the top of the soil feels dry. Learn how to maximize holiday-time blooms on your Christmas cactus, plus get detailed care tips.
Whether you're looking to fill an empty windowsill, add texture to a forlorn end table, or create color and greenery during the winter months, flowering houseplants bring big aesthetic rewards without a lot of work. With the right plant, growing conditions, soil, and fertilizer, you can enjoy blooms inside any time.