How To Choose Trees, Shrubs & Ornamentals
Selecting Trees, Shrubs, and Ornamentals
Once planted, trees and shrubs will be around for decades, so head to the store with a plan so you don't waste valuable time and money. Consider ones that grow well in your climate, are appropriate for your space, and complement your landscape design.
Consider a Variety
Instead of planting a hedge of just one type of bush, consider a variety of low-growing evergreens in various heights, colours, shapes and textures. This will create an interesting backdrop for your seasonal flowers and an appealing look that will carry into winter.
Plan Enough Room
Give the trees and shrubs you plant plenty of room to grow. One mistake people often make is to plant trees or shrubs too close to each other or their residence.
Remember that fully grown trees may interfere with the foundation or wiring, drop leaves into the gutter, and be more trouble than you ever intended. Don't plant a tree too close to your neighbour's property, either.
Selection is Key
There are quite a few landscaping solutions that trees, shrubs, and ornamentals can provide, including:
- Foundation plantings - Use evergreens for great foundation plantings in the landscape.
- Using strong vertical forms at the front of a house or on either side of an entrance or driveway. Pyramidal yews and junipers may be used in this case.
- Shielding a home from the weather. Large conifers planted on the west or north sides of open space can reduce wind and lower heating costs in the winter months and air-conditioning costs in the summer.
- Adding colour and beauty. Broadleaf evergreens, such as holly, azaleas, and rhododendrons, produce flowers or berries and maintain their leaves throughout winter.
Consult your local nursery for recommendations on choosing plants. As a general rule, choose plants with healthy, vigorous top-growth that have a good root system with no signs of disease, pests, or damage.