
Growing Cool Season Plants in Hot Weather

It's roasting hot outside, but you want to start your fall garden. That can be a challenge, as some cool-season annuals and vegetables need really chilly temperatures to germinate. Fortunately, there's a solution: sprouting them in the refrigerator. If cool-season plants like lettuce, spinach, pansies and violas are on your fall wish list, learn how to germinate them in your fridge with the steps below.

Start Seeds in Moistened Towels

Place your seeds between a folded sheet of moistened paper towel (be sure to place a label with the plant's name in the towel). Carefully slide the moistened paper towels into a plastic zipper bag and place the bag on a flat surface in the fridge. In 3 or 4 days, roots will begin to emerge from the seeds. At this point you can gently plant the sprouted seeds individually in small pots. Place the pots in a cool, sunny spot on a windowsill or in the garden. Keep the soil consistently moist and watch them grow. Your plants will be garden-ready in 6-8 weeks.

Save That Newspaper

Looking for a more traditional approach to sowing cool-weather seeds? Use small, shallow containers like tomato or strawberry clam shells from the grocery store. Fill them 1/3 full with a seed-sowing medium, such as Miracle-Gro® Seed Starting Potting Mix and sprinkle your seeds on the surface. Cover the containers with a sheet of moistened newspaper to provide the darkness and moisture the seeds need to sprout. Then place the containers in the refrigerator.

Watch for Root Growth

Check on the seeds every 3 days. Keep the soil and newspaper moist but not soggy. The seeds will quickly begin to germinate. Take the containers out of the fridge as soon as you see evidence of root growth. The roots will be tiny white shoots sprouting from the pointed end of the seed. Place your containers in a cool, sunny spot until the seedlings have 3 leaves. At this point, they can be transplanted into small pots.

Keep Your New Plants Healthy

Keep new transplants shaded on the north side of the house or under a shade tree until they sprout several more leaves. At this point, they can be gradually brought into brighter light. As temperatures begin to moderate in late September and October, the plants can be transplanted into their winter position in the ground.