Planting, Growing & Harvesting Radishes
Prepare the Soil for Your Radishes
For a better crop, grow radishes in soil that is loose, moist and rich in nutrients. Amend your native soil with compost or garden soil, like Miracle-Gro® All Purpose Garden Soil.
Start Radishes from Seed
Start radish seeds when temperatures are between 60°F-65°F. In the northern U.S., sow seeds directly in the garden 3-4 weeks before the last spring frost or 6 weeks before the first fall frost. In the South, plant seeds in early autumn. Or, spread out your harvest and enjoy the radishes all season by sowing small amounts of seed every few weeks. Spring varieties of radish typically take about 18-45 days to mature, whereas winter varieties take 45-70 days.
Leave Room to Grow
Plant radish seeds 1 inch apart and ½ inch deep. When radish seedlings reach an inch tall, thin them out so plants are 2-3 inches apart.
Care for Your Radishes
Remove any weeds growing around your radishes and keep the soil moist. Make sure to water evenly and protect your radishes from intense heat by planting in partially shaded areas or alongside taller plants.
Harvest Your Radishes
Keep an eye on your radish plants because they'll mature quickly. Radishes will crack if left in the ground too long, so pull them as soon as they're a usable size. Just trim off the tops and roots, scrub off the dirt under running water and your radishes are ready to eat.